We are going to announce a latest Home Department PAFDA Jobs 2025 in Pakistan. The PAFDA has introduce a various post for the educate and hardworking people. The last date to submit the documents for these positions is March 07, 2025.
Home Department is inviting the applicants for these multiple Scientist Food Testing Lab, Quality Assurance Manager Agriculture Testing Lab, Technical Manager Food Testing Lab, Quality Assurance Manager Food Testing Lab, Assistant, Assistant Manager Security, Supervisor Mechanical, Technical Manager Drug Testing Lab, Quality Assurance Manager DG Office, Assistant Manager HR, Supervisor Electrical, Scientist Microbiology, Telephone Operator, Manager Works, Scientist Drug Testing Lab, Manager Finance Audit, Scientist, Assistant Manager Legal, Private Secretary, Supervisor HVAC, Scientist Agriculture Testing Lab, Data Entry Operator, Supervisor Civil, Manager IT, Assistant Manager IT and Assistant Manager Finance Audit. Interested people who wants to apply for Home Department PAFDA Jobs and require a more other relevant information about these positions please visit our website, Jobs Centre.
Punjab Agriculture Food And Drug Authority - PAFDA Jobs Latest
Posted on: | March 1, 2025 |
Category: | Government Jobs | Latest Jobs | Management Jobs |
Organization: | PAFDA |
Newspaper: | Ausaf | Ausaf Jobs |
City: | Lahore |
Province: | Punjab |
Education: | BA | Bachelor | BBA | BCom | BE | BIT | BS | BTech | Graduation | Intermediate | MA | Master | Matric | MBA | MCom | MIT | MPhil | MS | MSc | PhD |
Last Date: | March 7, 2025 |
Vacancies: | Multiple |
Company: | Punjab Agriculture Food And Drug Authority - PAFDA |
Address: | Punjab Agriculture Food and Drug Authority (PAFDA) Punjab Science Enclave, Multan Road, Lahore-53700, Pakistan. |
Detail of Home Department PAFDA Jobs:
Senior Technical Managers (Salary: Rs. 725,000):
- Qualification: PhD
- Experience: 7 years
Quality Assurance Managers (Salary: Rs. 725,000):
- Positions:
- Quality Assurance Manager (Drug Testing Lab)
- Quality Assurance Manager (Agriculture Testing Lab)
- Quality Assurance Manager (Food Testing Lab)
- Quality Assurance Manager (DG Office)
- Qualification: PhD in relevant field.
- Experience: 7 years
Technical Managers (Salary: Rs. 425,000):
- Positions:
- Technical Manager (Drug Testing Lab)
- Technical Manager (Agriculture Testing Lab)
- Technical Manager (Food Testing Lab)
- Technical Manager (Microbiology) – 1 each for Food, Drug, and Agriculture labs.
- Qualification: PhD.
- Experience: 7 years
Senior Scientists (Salary: Rs. 325,000):
- Positions:
- Senior Scientist (Drug Testing Lab)
- Senior Scientist (Food Testing Lab)
- Senior Scientist (Agriculture Testing Lab)
- Senior Scientist (Microbiology) – 2 for Drug and Food labs, 1 for Agriculture.
- Qualification: PhD.
- Experience: 5 years.
Junior Scientists (Salary: Rs. 250,000):
- Positions:
- Junior Scientist (Drug Testing Lab)
- Junior Scientist (Agriculture Testing Lab)
- Junior Scientist (Food Testing Lab)
- Junior Scientist (Microbiology)
- Qualification: BS/MSc in relevant field.
- Experience: 3 years.
Managers (Salary: Rs. 375,000):
- Positions:
- Manager (Finance & Audit)
- Manager (Legal)
- Manager (IT)
- Manager (Works)
- Qualification: Relevant master’s/bachelor’s degree.
- Experience: 5 years in relevant field.
Assistant Managers (Salary: Rs. 225,000):
- Positions:
- Assistant Manager (HR)
- Assistant Manager (Finance & Audit)
- Assistant Manager (Security)
- Assistant Manager (IT)
- Assistant Manager (Legal)
- Qualification: Relevant bachelor’s/master’s degree.
- Experience: 3 years in relevant field.
Supervisors (Salary: Rs. 225,000):
- Positions:
- Supervisor (HVAC)
- Supervisor (Mechanical)
- Supervisor (Civil)
- Positions:
- Qualification: B.Tech in relevant field.
- Experience: 3 years in relevant field.
Vacant Positions
- Assistant
- Assistant Manager (Legal)
- Assistant Manager Finance Audit
- Assistant Manager HR
- Assistant Manager IT
- Assistant Manager Security
- Data Entry Operator
- Manager (Finance & Audit)
- Manager (Works)
- Manager IT
- Manager Legal
- Private Secretary
- Quality Assurance Manager
- Quality Assurance Manager - DG Office
- Quality Assurance Manager (Agriculture Testing Lab)
- Quality Assurance Manager (Drug Testing Lab)
- Quality Assurance Manager (Food Testing Lab)
- Scientist
- Scientist Agriculture Testing Lab
- Scientist Drug Testing Lab
- Scientist Food Testing Lab
- Scientist Microbiology
- Supervisor Civil
- Supervisor Electrical
- Supervisor HVAC
- Supervisor Mechanical
- Technical Manager
- Technical Manager - Agriculture Testing Lab
- Technical Manager - Microbiology
- Technical Manager (Drug Testing Lab)
- Technical Manager (Food Testing Lab)
- Telephone Operator
Eligibility Criteria for PAFDA Careers 2025 Online Apply Form:
- Interested people must have a Matric, Intermediate, BA, BBA, BCom, BE, BIT, BS, BTech, Graduation, MA, MBA, MCom, MIT, MPhil, MS, MSc, PhD, Master’s and Bachelor’s degree qualification.
Age Limit:
- Maximum 18-45 years (as of closing date)
- Minimum 02 to 05 years relevant experience.
- Male candidates can apply.
- As per government policies (not explicitly mentioned).
- Punjab domicile preferred.
How to Apply for Home Department PAFDA Jobs 2025 Online Application Form?
- Interested applicants should apply online through the link
- Applications other than Online will NOT be accepted by the Home Department PAFDA Jobs in any case.
- The applicant WILL NOT be able to submit their applications online after the Closing Date because job portal link will be blocked on the closing date.
- The advertisement can be viewed on www.pafda.gop.pk and www.pu.edu.pk.
- Applicants are advised to read all terms and conditions and instructions of the Advertisement carefully in order to submit their application online and make sure it should be complete in all respects.
- The onus/responsibility of the correctness of the data given in the on-line application will rest absolutely on the Applicant.
- Applications with incorrect information intentionally or unintentionally during online submission will be rejected without assigning any reason.
PAFDA Jobs in Lahore 2025 Last Date:
The last date to apply for Home Department PAFDA Jobs is March 07, 2025.